WHAT ABOUT ABSTRACTION?STEFAN GIEROWSKI FOUNDATION22.06–26.08.2017, Warsaw, Poland/ group exhibition
The Stefan Gierowski Foundation invites you to an exhibition of modern Polish abstract art, during which we will present an overview of the seventy works created by the artists between 2015 and 2017. This unusual, because of its diversity, presentation focuses on artists renown by institutions, presenting in galleries and art markets as well as less popular artists operating in niche environments.
The exhibition, as an original project of Stefan Gierowski, aims to approximate a wide spectrum of the latest trends in Polish abstract painting and an attempt to answer the title question. "The problem that interests me is our abstract painting, which in Poland has had its followers for nearly 100 years. It is interesting to know what todays painters understand by abstraction and why they consider themselves abstractionists". Stefan Gierowski